Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reasons to Drink Decaffeinated Coffee

Facts about the benefits, risks, mortality and process of decaffeinated coffee.

Coffee beverage is consumed all over the world. Decaffeinated coffee has 97 percent of the caffeine removed. If the decaffeinated coffee label states it is "naturally decaffeinated or Swiss water processed, it is a sign no harmful chemicals are used in the caffeine removal process of your coffee. Moderation of decaffeinated coffee is always a good practice since caffeine is mildly addictive.


Swiss water decaffeinated coffee process uses the soaking liquid of the coffee beans and filters the liquid through activated charcoal or carbon filters. Another decaffeinated process is the use of ethyl acetate, also found in fruits. If it is used in the coffee filtering process, it considered to be "naturally decaffeinated." Also, compressed carbon dioxide is used as a filter in the decaffeination process. There are no harmful chemicals used because carbon dioxide just evaporates from the coffee beans.


Decaffeinated coffee increases resting metabolism rate and protects against diabetes. It decreases C-peptide levels, which are an indicator of insulin resistance.


According to Harvard School of Public Health, findings indicate there is no "relationship between coffee consumption and increased risk of death from any cause, death from cancer, or death from cardiovascular disease."


Pregnant women should limit daily caffeine intake to about three cups of coffee.

Reasons for Drinking Decaffeinated Coffee

Drink decaffeinated coffee to avoid rapid heart rate, upset stomach, and sleep disturbance.


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